The basic algorithm replaces a line segment
with nine line segments like so:
You can repeat the process arbitrarily, and you get pretty curves looking like this:
It was the first hard program I ever wrote (made especially hard by the fact that I didn't know about datatypes, recursion, or even basic procedural abstraction, really), and I was really proud of my 15-year-old self. Every once in a while I think of another cute way to program it, and it makes me nostalgic. Here's a nice little one.
A direction is one of four symbols, 'N, 'E, 'S, or 'W. An orientation is one of two symbols, 'CW or 'CCW.
To rotate a direction 90 degrees clockwise or counter-clockwise, keep a "clock" of the cardinal directions, and rotate the clock index:
Then computing a fractal iteration is decomposed into two stages. The first stage computes the list of directions for each line segment in sequence. It recursively computes each iteration by replacing each direction in the previous iteration with a sequence of nine rotated directions.(define clock '(N E S W))
;; rotate : orientation * direction -> direction
(define (rotate or dir)
(let ([shift (if (eq? or 'CW) add1 sub1)])
(list-ref clock (modulo (shift (list-index (lambda (x)
(eq? x dir))
The second stage computes the actual line segments by simply "moving the cursor" from the starting point according to each subsequent direction.;; directions-for : nat * direction -> (listof direction)
(define (directions-for n dir)
(if (zero? n)
(list dir)
(append-map (lambda (d)
(list d
(rotate 'CCW d)
(rotate 'CW d)
(rotate 'CW d)
(rotate 'CCW d)
(directions-for (sub1 n) dir))))
;; fractal-iteration : nat * (listof direction) * (cons nat nat)
;; -> (listof (cons (cons nat nat) (cons nat nat)))
(define (fractal-iteration len dirs point)
(let ([x (car point)]
[y (cdr point)])
(if (null? dirs)
(let ([point* (case (car dirs)
[(N) (cons x (- y len))]
[(E) (cons (+ x len) y)]
[(S) (cons x (+ y len))]
[(W) (cons (- x len) y)])])
(cons (cons point point*)
(fractal-iteration len (cdr dirs) point*))))))
Why does the last cons put (cons point point*) instead of only point* into the list?
You could do it either way. I just figured this way it was easier to map "draw-segment" across the list without needing to pass the previous point as an extra accumulator.
You know, this is probably about two lines of PostScript.
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